Friday, May 11, 2018

"Remembrance 40" book is now available!

       "Remembrance 40's introduction could perhaps best be worded by the same introduction from its sister book, Wanderers 40, which was Bartholomew Libert's first commercially published work… 'As they travel, explore, sample and observe, wanderers are bound to become walking libraries of the processes behind the human mind. Emotions, logic, and belief systems of a variegated human race become somehow more comprehensible, though the path to such understanding can be emotionally polarizing.'

       Unique to this journey has been the author's observations and communications with so-called extraterrestrials, experiences which, however quietly, yielded inevitable alterations to his perceptions, perspectives, and worldview. Over a decade from the beginning of his own self-awakening, Remembrance 40 is Bartholomew Libert's own form of disclosure—instead of describing in detail his life experiences and interactions in the realm of the loosely termed "paranormal", he instead selected to reveal the life lessons learned as he explored, and continues to explore, what it is to experience Creation as a human being. Organized into forty easy to read, single page entries, readers will find Bartholomew's second book to contain key, and equally deep, life reminders for navigating the highs, lows, and in-betweens that form the cathartic experience that is human existence on Earth—reminders shaped not just by personal, everyday experiences and deep study, but by a guiding, often invisible hand from sources he hopes one day will be more than just the shadowy possibilities they are to so many."

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